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先週末4月3日、4日は、文化、言葉、身体の特徴などが異なる世界8ヶ国から音楽を学ぶ仲間たち約250人が集まって「世界子ども音楽祭2020 in東京」が開催される予定でした。







向き合ってきたベートーヴェン第九交響曲。有名なサビの部分のシラーの詩に、「あなたの魔法の力は、世の中の時流が厳しく分け隔てていたものを、再び結びつける(Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng geteilt)」という部分があります。




((一社)エル・システマジャパン代表理事 菊川 穣)

《What COVID-19 teaches us》

World Children's Music Festival 2020 in Tokyo would have been held over the last weekend. About 250 music loving children and young people who have different cultural, language and ethnical backgrounds from 8 countries all over the world, were expected to get together in Tokyo.

Having faced the wonder of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, "Ode to Joy", those young musicians have gradually been fascinated by its beauty whilst being perplexed by its profoundness. Above all, they must have been overjoyed through the preparation process prior to the concert jointly supported by distinguished professional and fellow young musicians.

"Indeed so sad to miss this opportunity!" lamented by some of those young artists.

All of sudden, schooling, concert events and our beloved el sistema inspired music classes are forbidden.

Our children and friends from Soma, Otsuchi, Komagane, Tokyo, Auckland (New Zealand), Barquisimeto (Venezuela), Los Angeles (USA), Luanda (Angola), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Sterling (UK) and places across France and South Korea deeply miss the life with collective music and abjectly facedthe reality of social, cultural and economic downfall.

Indeed it is COVID-19 that has compelled us to suffer severely but at the same time we might be able to say that it has also forced us to recognise what is important in our life.

It could be a joy to learn new things together, a challenging sprit, a relaxed feeling through connection, a satisfaction to share something with friends and a peace where your soul can rest.

From time immemorial, human beings have expressed those joy, sprit and feelings through arts and music, haven't they?

Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng geteilt? This famous Schiller's phrase in German, which is from Ode to Joy says, "Your magic re-unites what custom sternly separated."

Covid-19, which is a global pandemic, is indeed imposing a huge hardship upon all of us.

Now is the time to think of others. It must take longer than we think but we shall overcome and reach the new horizon one day.

We are re-scheduling our children's music festival towards the end of March 2021. We wish we could proudly play and sing Ode to Joy!

Let us nourish ourselves and struggle over the challenges.

Yutaka Kikugawa Executive Director / CEO El Sistema Japan
